jeudi, décembre 08, 2005

Je dis ca, je dis rien !

Ploutocrate ?
L'ancien chef des gardes municipaux de Varsovie, Witold Marczuk, ancien collaborateur du président polonais élu Lech Kaczynski, a été nommé mercredi chef de l'agence de contre-espionnage (ABW), a annoncé le ministre des Services secrets Zbigniew Wassermann. VARSOVIE, (AFP)

Madeliniste ?
"Nous présenterons en mars à l'opinion publique notre conception d'une réforme globale du système fiscal", a déclaré M. Marcinkiewicz. Il a confirmé que son gouvernement envisageait deux barèmes de l'impôt sur le revenu de 18% et de 32%, contre trois (19%, 30% et 40%) actuellement, et la baisse de 19% à 18% de l'impôt sur les sociétés. VARSOVIE, (AFP)

Alcooliques violents ?
Police are demanding that the immunity of SamooBrona deputy Piotr Misztal be lifted after he wanted to beat up guests at a disco in Łodz on Saturday and than threatened them with death. Following that, he promised to bring in the Pruszków mafia to Łodz and finally cursed policemen and threatened to use his acquaintance with Deputy PM Ludwik Dorn to have them all sacked. According to witnesses,
Misztal was very aggressive and drunk when he arrived at the Viva Life disco in Łodz. After not being able to find a fight in the club, he went to the police station and claimed he was hit while defending the good name of Selfdefence. "I was only checking how young people have fun and whether they are safe. I am also their representative," said Misztal. (Gazeta Wyborcza 4/12)